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    2.1.2011 - Updates and Progress


    Posts : 51
    Join date : 2010-05-20
    Age : 32

    2.1.2011 - Updates and Progress Empty 2.1.2011 - Updates and Progress

    Post by Peregryn Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:54 pm

    2.1.2011 - Updates and Progress

    Hey everyone! I know it seems like things are just going really slow right now...well, they are. And here's why:

    1 - Dember has an adorable, amazing new puppy to share her life with and to take care of.
    2 - I have lost internet access at home, have a wedding to plan, and have just found out I have pneumonia and the main medicine used to treat it I'm allergic to. We're trying the one I'm allergic to to see if I still get a reaction - hopefully not.

    So, as you can see, we are both very busy. However, that doesn't mean we're not working. I have registration done on the site and am working on user profiles whenever I can get to a computer. Dember is still working on pet art whenever she can.

    Writers - Keep an eye out on the writer's board as I will be posting job assignments and updates very soon. It may not be until next week, but, if I can get on the computer again before then I will.

    Anyone who is not staff -
    Please keep an eye out on the main forum!

    If you have any ideas for us, please post them on the suggestions board.

    Also, feel free to bump our ads on other sites as well.

    Things may be going slowly at the moment, but they'll be sure to pick back up when real life settles down for Dember and I.


      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 5:00 am