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    Hi!! :D


    Posts : 6
    Join date : 2011-02-05
    Location : Earth <3

    Hi!! :D Empty Hi!! :D

    Post by bringles Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:23 pm

    Hi all Very Happy You can just call me Bringles ^^ I'm a 15 year old teenager that LOVES to draw xD I'm female too <33 I chat-speaks sometimes though Smile But I never chatspeak when I RP xD If they're against the rules then I'll not do em xD

    I'm the eldest in my family Very Happy 2 younger sisters Smile My mom and dad plays online games ^^

    I like to read, play basketball, surf the net, play breeding games / online games and stalk forums <333!! Very Happy

    I'm an item artist (( unfortunately T.T )) and I don't do well in pet arts T.T (( so sorry )) but I would love to help out by drawing items Smile My items are sold for around $2 but I'm willing to draw for free here ^^ (( I'm bored ^^ And the market isn't very well lately so I'm scared that my items had became ugly due to my lack of practice, so.. yeah ^^ ))

    Hope you guys'll accept me <3

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 4:31 am