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    2 Free Classified Ads


    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2011-01-28

    2 Free Classified Ads Empty 2 Free Classified Ads

    Post by Oikaio Fri Jan 28, 2011 5:49 pm

    Want 2 FREE classified Ads right now?
    You can submit a classfied ad with upto 100 characters (around 15 words) right now!
    You can even include a photo, ad highlight & more.
    Your free ad will require renewal after 45 days, if the service is usefull for you then you can pay for more ads.

    For those who don't know what a classified ad is, it's basically a short advert which is shown alongside other classified ads.
    These classified ads provide you with a backlink, higher search engine ranking & a lot of traffic.
    Usually, people submitting classified ads are submitting real estate offers, houses for rent, new houses etc.

    To get your 2 FREE classified ads now visit - www.ClasificadosContacto.com.mx

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